Water, Air and Sunshine

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Water, Air and Sunshine

Water pouring into hands with beaming rays of sunshine and pure air.

Water, air and sunshine are essential to life. When our bodies are nourished by these remarkable elements, we live and thrive! It’s important to realize that without them, we would not exist in the physical sense.

Straightaway, lets jump right into learning some basics about these life-giving foundations.


Did you know that over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water?

Water comes in different forms, this includes streams, lakes, rivers, seas, raindrops and snow (frozen) that descend from clouds.

There are three states of matter, liquid, solid and gas. Pure water is a liquid matter and an inorganic compound made up of hydrogen and oxygen. More specifically, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

one oxygen and two hydrogen equal H2O

Water, also referred to as H2O, freezes at 0° Celsius (32° Fahrenheit) and boils at 100° C (212° Fahrenheit).

The fact of the matter is that mankind needs water to survive. More than half of the human body is made up of water. The intake of water aids the regulation of body temperature; this means that the body does not get too hot or too cold. In addition, it cleanses the system and flushes out toxins and waste.

As previously mentioned, water is a major part of all living things. When in pure form, it is odorless and tasteless. Although water appears to be crystal clear in small quantities, it actually has an inherent slight blue hue to it.

It’s important to drink several glasses of water each day for optimal health. The best thing to do is to find a fresh spring in your local area or invest in a filter that will purify your water.


The dictionary defines air as the mixture of invisible odorless tasteless gases, such as nitrogen and oxygen, that surrounds the earth.

We the people need a constant supply of air to live and breathe! Air flow enters the body through the mouth and nose. From there, it travels to the lungs and a gas exchange takes place. Surprisingly, oxygen in air also helps the body change food into energy. How impressive? God’s design is awesome!

Woman outside enjoying pure air and sunshine.

In the same way as water, it’s important to realize that air quality matters.

It’s a good idea to spend time in nature where the fresh air is abundant and clean. Go for plenty of walks!

Another good idea is to open windows for continuous air flow.

Try diffusing lemon essential oil to purify the air.

Avoid spending long periods of time in polluted areas that do not offer a clean breathing environment, such as highly populated cities, old musty buildings and factories, etc.

Home air purifiers are also helpful in supporting a healthy indoor atmosphere. (Good option for apartments and rentals.)

In other words, work and play outside as much as possible!


Sunshine is the direct rays that come from the sun. These rays provide us with warmth and daylight.

In like fashion to water and air we need a little sunshine! When our skin is exposed to the beneficial rays of the sun, we increase production of vitamin D. Vitamin D encourages the development of strong bones and teeth. In addition, its presence fosters the absorption of minerals such a calcium and magnesium.

In light of this, it’s a good idea to seek out a little natural sunlight each day. It may be a challenge during the cold and dark months of the autumn equinox, but we can easily sit by a sunlit window or take a refreshing mid-day walk after lunch to get some exposure. There are endless studies that show 10-15 minutes of sunshine per day is highly beneficial. All in all, it will certainly give you a nice pep in your step to say the least! Enjoy!

Boat sailing on ocean water with a sunshine filled horizon.

Holy Bible:

In conclusion, water, air and sunshine flourish our bodies. These God made elements have been designed specifically for us! Read the first chapters of the Holy Bible to learn about the creation of our planet.


Water Filter
Shower Filter

Home Air Purifier
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